Turbo Frames - Inline Edit

Manage Inline Editing with Turbo Frames and Cookies

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Turbo Frames - Inline Edit


Inline Editing is a UX pattern that is frequently used to reduce the friction for updating records, but can come with some pitfalls. In this challenge, we will employ Turbo Frames to do the heavy lifting, and add some usability sprinkles.

Starting Point

This challenge features a single Turbo Frame which is loaded from the /title route via a GET request:


The underlying node.js script relies on a “poor mans templating engine” to substitute a template string ({{title}}) in the link.html file (think of this as a “partial”):


In said file, a <turbo-frame> tag encloses a hyperlink to the /title/edit route:


This route in turn renders the other “partial”, form.html:



Your challenge this time is to

  1. Complete form.html so that it issues a PATCH request to /title which will in turn redirect to /title again ( https://stackblitz.com/edit/turbo-frames-inline-editing?file=index.js%3AL20) )

  2. In app.js, make sure that

  • whenever you enable editing, the whole text is selected
  • the form is submitted when you focus out of the input

Here’s a preview:

A demo of inline editing a text field


When you refresh your browser after enabling the text field, it is again disabled. How would store this state?

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