Learn Turbo and Stimulus together with fellow enthusiasts
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"The Hotwire club" is a fantastic resource for anyone who already has a good knowledge of Hotwire and wants to deepen their mastery. The exercises are always interesting and very well written. The answers are always detailed and to the point. You can even find exercises that will be useful in your work and for new features.
Intercept form submission responses to render flash messages that are outside the originating Turbo Frame
Render deterministic optimistic UI elements using client-side ULIDs
Use Stimulus value callbacks to interact with a wavesurfer element and remove markers.
Use Stimulus value callbacks to interact with a wavesurfer element and add markers.
Smartly use image lazy loading to improve core web vitals such as LCP and CLS
Use an IntersectionObserver to trigger a Picture in Picture overlay
Handle modal dialogs with Turbo Frames and minimal additional JavaScript
Use Stimulus target callbacks to dynamically update parts of your UI
Improve Largest Contentful Paint using image blurhashes and Stimulus