Turbo Streams - Custom Stream Actions

Use custom Turbo Stream actions to orchestrate complex UI animations.

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Turbo Streams - Custom Stream Actions


Turbo Streams come with 7 default actions that under the usual circumstances provide enough functionality to power reactivity in your app. The downside is that it can become quite verbose, up to the point of Turbo Spaghetti code. To ameliorate this, Turbo provides an interface to implement custom stream actions for your app.


This time, our example code contains a few Shoelace elements:

Your challenge is - using the techniques from Challenge 8 - upon click on the open-button button, to create a custom Turbo Stream action (or a sequence thereof) that will

An Action Bar Animation

Note: you have to wrap each button in an <sl-animation> component first.

Hint: use the dialog’s native events.


There are two ways to accomplish the sequential animation:

  • Promises (async/await),
  • Recursive setTimeouts


Orchestrating UI animations like this from the server side is one of the superpowers of Turbo. Can you think of a spot in an app of yours where this could be useful? And more high-level - what about making custom stream actions composable?

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