Welcome to The Hotwire Club !

Learn Turbo and Stimulus together with fellow enthusiasts

Welcome to <strong>The Hotwire Club</strong> !
Stimulus - Progressive Image Loading with Blurhash
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Improve Largest Contentful Paint using image blurhashes and Stimulus

Scrolling Lyrics using Turbo Frames
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Create a "scrolling lyrics" animation using Turbo Frames and View Transitions

Optimistic UI with Turbo 8 Morphs
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Provide Optimistic UI updates using inline Turbo Stream Actions, and reconcile using Turbo 8 Morphs

Hotwire Combobox with Real Time Data
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Update combobox options using Websockets and Stimulus outlets

Turbo Frames - Inline Edit
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Manage Inline Editing with Turbo Frames and Cookies

Turbo Drive - Conditional InstantClick
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Conditionally opt out of Turbo Drive InstantClick using the Strategy pattern

Turbo Streams - Custom Stream Actions - LocalStorage
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Store ephemeral state changes locally using localStorage and custom Turbo Stream Actions.

Stimulus - Action Parameters
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Use declaratively specified action parameters in the DOM to move elements between parents.

Stimulus - Outlets API
Julian Rubisch
Julian Rubisch

Signal data changes across controller boundaries using the Stimulus Outlets API.
