Turbo Streams - Inline Stream Tags

Provide optimistic UI updates using inline Turbo Stream tags.

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Turbo Streams - Inline Stream Tags


The official Turbo Stream guide states that

You can render any number of stream elements in a single stream message from a WebSocket, SSE or in response to a form submission.

That is true, but it is also too restrictive. In fact, Turbo will happily parse and execute any <turbo-stream> element that is added to the DOM at any time. This means that we can also use it in a pure client-side scenario.

As we shall see, a declarative use of server rendered turbo stream tags can be a formidable way to power microinteractions.


  • Your job this time is to insert a suitable <turbo-stream> element into the provided HTML <template> element here:

A Progress Bar

Note: I’m using shoelace components here. The documentation for the progress bar can be found here.

Aside: If you’d like to explore this in a Rails specific context, take a look at Sean P. Doyle’s Turbo Stream Button repository: https://github.com/seanpdoyle/turbo_stream_button


  • You will have to deal with cloning <template> elements. If you’re not familiar with it too much, here’s a guide on MDN.


  • It’s obvious that this challenge is a bit far-fetched. This technique can be a powerful way to implement Optimistic UI patterns though. Can you think of any in your apps that could be a candidate for this?

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