Turbo Frames - Pagination

Use the Turbo Frame lifecycle to manage fetch requests and the browser history.

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Turbo Frames - Pagination


Building upon the challenge about tabbed navigation, we will explore pagination with Turbo Frames. Indeed, it turns out pagination is just a special case of tabs. Turbo Frames provide a very performant way to switch between “windows” of a dataset, but they come with some gotchas.

Starting Point

In this example we are looking at a table of employees with alphabetical pagination. Upon page load, a Turbo Frame is lazily loaded from pageA.html. Our goal is to implement the pagination using the query parameter page, and make it play nicely with the browser history (i.e. it can be navigated using the back and forward buttons).

Note that we keep the pagination itself inside the frame. One of the advantages is that way we can server-side render the active page and don’t have to fall back to marking it after the fact using an event handler.


The challenge we face is twofold:

  1. The client side routing of ?page=A|B|C to populate the Turbo Frame isn’t yet implemented. A click on a pagination link will set its src attribute to /?page=B for example, but this just serves back our index.html. In the turbo:before-fetch-request event, we need to modify this URL to return the actual pageA|B|C.html locations.
  2. If we implement this, the data-turbo-action="advance" attribute will ensure that now pageA|B|C.html will be put into the browser’s history, but we don’t want that, because reloading the page now will serve the bare Turbo Frames again. So on turbo:frame-load, we have to make sure the browser’s last history entry is replaced with the respective ?page=A|B|C query string again.

Here’s a preview of how the result should look like:

Turbo Frames Pagination


  • To make the page reloadable, you have to manipulate the browser history, because using by promoting navigation to full page visit, the URL is rewritten to the bare Turbo Frame’s location. (There’s a hint in the Stackblitz example)
  • Note that if it feels like we are bending over backwards a bit here, that’s because we are. Of course it would be easier to just server side render the whole layout and be done with it. But by embracing the constraints we are further pushing the limits of our understanding of how Turbo actually works.


  • Could we translate this behavior to infinite horizontal/vertical scrolling?

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